Juli Edmunds


I help women get what they really want -Peace, freedom and connection.

Hi, I’m Juli. Relationships have always been important to me but I didn’t always have the tools to effectively manage my emotions to successfully communicate when the relationship was strained. Through years of study and practice, I now have amazing relationships and I can help you have them too.

You may find yourself feeling…

  • overwhelmed with all of your responsibilities

  • angry that you feel like you are alone

  • frustrated that you don’t seem to be making progress even though you are trying.

  • stuck in the same cycle over and over again

I get it! I used to feel the same way - in fact I still do from time to time - because I am human and this is how our bodies are designed. By using, simple, effective, science backed skills I now spend a fraction of the time and energy I used to spend on my difficult emotions. I can show you how to use these simple tools in your life too.

my Services

Complimentary Discovery Call

We all have something that is impeding our progress. When you work with me you will feel an empowering shift after spending just an hour with me. You have nothing to lose - and everything to gain.

Gentle Trauma Coaching

Everyone has experienced some sort of trauma in their life but most of us don’t recognized it as such because it wasn’t huge. How we experience trauma is so individualized. That is why my trauma coaching is guided by you and what you are comfortable and ready to work on.

Relationship Coaching

Do you have a relationship that is causing you stress and anxiety? Schedule a call with me ASAP. I will help you heal those relationships that need mending, grow healthy strong relationships and completely change your world as you learn to successfully navigate difficult relationships.

Schedule a call

I can’t wait to start this journey of healing and transformation with you! When you book a call with me you will experience the power of coaching and make progress in just one call. Book a call today!

Contact Us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!